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Race to the Board

Race to the Board is a new, two-pronged approach intended to disrupt current practices that are not bringing sufficient levels of Black leadership to the boards of environmental organizations. It will address both the supply-and-demand side of trustee placement — supporting and networking Black candidates and working with board culture for a better, successful fit.

On the supply side, we propose advancing Black leaders as board candidates to conservation and climate organizations. Members of the Black Candidate Network will be content, fundraising, and/or technical experts who are strategically and intentionally networked for board service and available for multi-year commitments.

On the demand side, our work with big green groups (through the Board Community of Practice) will require redesign of their board culture in order to welcome and retain candidates who can contribute to reversing the historically racist practices of the sector. 

To catalyze any progress, we plan to create a new two-way conversation with a changed narrative that shifts the culture of the grant-receiving organizations.

To learn more about how you can be a part of Race to the Board, please complete the form below.